Title: Lord of the Abyss (Royal House of Shadows, book 4)
Author: Nalini Singh
Format: e-galley
Source: NetGalley
From Goodreads: "Once upon a time…the Blood Sorcerer vanquished the kingdom of Elden. To save their children, the queen scattered them to safety and the king filled them with vengeance. Only a magical timepiece connects the four royal heirs…and time is running out.…
As the dark Lord who condemns souls to damnation in the Abyss, Micah is nothing but a feared monster wrapped in impenetrable black armor. He has no idea he is the last heir of Elden, its last hope. Only one woman knows—the daughter of his enemy.
Liliana is nothing like her father, the Blood Sorcerer who’d cursed Micah. She sees past Micah’s armor to the prince inside. A prince whose sinful touch she craves. But first she has to brave his dark, dangerous lair and help him remember. Because they only have till midnight to save Elden."
My Opinion: "Once upon a time…the Blood Sorcerer vanquished the kingdom of Elden. To save their children, the queen scattered them to safety and the king filled them with vengeance. Only a magical timepiece connects the four royal heirs…and time is running out.…"
We've heard the stories of the three older siblings, and now we finally learn about Micah, and what happened to him after that fateful night,.
We start off with the story of someone else, though - Liliana, daughter of the evil Blood Sorcerer. Somehow, Liliana has managed to not turn into her father, to retain the goodness and yes, even light, that is her essence. But she had to endure so much torture, fear and hate at the hands of her father. She learns the truth about the heirs to the kingdom of Elden, and knows what she has to do - search out Micah and tell him who he truly is so the kingdom can be saved. Unfortunately, Micah is now the Lord of the Abyss, and has no idea who he is. Liliana makes it her mission to get through the armor he has built around himself to save the kingdom her father is trying to ruin, forever.
Wow! That's how I felt reading this story! I was sad that this was going to be the last book, the one that brings it all home, but I was excited to find out how it would end. And I have to say, this was definitely my favorite book of the series. I've never read anything by Nalini Singh before, but I will definitely be searching her out from now on. She wrote characters that you just can't help but care about, who you are pulling for throughout the book. Liliana and Micah are both so damaged and broken, but together they are magic. The world building was phenomenal, and the pacing was spot on. This was such a quick read for me because it was so well written - the pages just seemed to fly by. The ending came too quick but was a good end to a great series.
In summary, I adored this book, the conclusion to a four book series. I would recommend that you read the books in order, but imagine that this book would work as a standalone as well.
Highly recommend - 5/5 stars. This is my idea of what a paranormal romance should be.
I received a copy of this book free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I would like to thank the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for this opportunity.
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